Wedding Workout Guide: Conditioning

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Get your heart rate up and break a sweat (without having to spend an hour on the treadmill) with this conditioning workout.

Makeful partnered with Arthur Kiyaga of to help you get in shape for your wedding day. These exercises are fun, easy, and can all be done with minimal equipment.

This conditioning workout is easy to follow and super simple, so you don’t have to waste too much time at the gym trying to figure things out. Let your confidence build, and trust the process. You can do it!

There are 4 total exercises in this workout. Each exercise should be performed 3 times (aka 3 sets).

1/4 – 3 Point Lunge Jumps

  • 20 to 60 secs (depending on skill level) = 1 SET
  • Take a 15 sec break in-between sets
  • Goal is to complete 3 sets

2/4 – Ike Shuffle (Legs) + Ski Hops

  • 25 secs of Ike Shuffle (Legs) + 5 sec BREAK + 25 sec of Ski Hops = 1 SET
  • Take a 10 sec break in-between sets
  • Goal is to complete 3 sets

3/4 – Running High Knees + Jumping Jacks

  • 25 secs of Running High Knees + 5 secs REST + 25 secs of Jumping Jacks = 1 SET
  • Take a 10 sec break in-between sets
  • Goal is to complete 3 sets

4/4 – Dumbbell Wood-chops

  • 25 sec LEFT SIDE + 5 ses REST + 25 sec RIGHT SIDE = 1 SET
  • Take a 10 sec break in-between sets
  • Goal is to complete 3 sets