Falling in Love with Lucite | Obsessed

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This week, Miss Kris is obsessed with lucite. We're showing you how to make super easy lucite trays and modern bookends. Get obsessed!

Join Miss Kris as she shows you how to use lucite in two awesome DIY decor projects!


You’ll need: L-Brackets, cork advesive stoppers, Lucite squares , and industrial glue. All this stuff is available at any hardware store.

Step 1: Line up your L-brackets with the bottom of your lucite square, a few inches apart from each other.

Step 2: Attach the L-bracket to the lucite using the industrial glue.

Step 3: Once the glue has dried, stick your cork stoppers on the bottom of the L-bracket. This helps the bookends stay in place and also protects your shelves from getting scratched.

Acrylic Serving Tray

You’ll need: Acrylic (plastic) picture frame, industrial glue, and knobs. Drawer pulls work really well for this if you can remove the screws.

Step 1: Remove the paper or picture from your acrylic frame.

Step 2: Attach the knobs to the frame using a dab of industrial glue. Careful not to over-do it on the glue or it can get to be a gooey mess. Another tip for this step; prop up or hold the knobs where you want them as the glue dries or they can slide south for the winter.

  • 2 Lucite Squares available at hardware stores
  • 4 L-Brackets available at hardware stores
  • industrial glue
  • Cork Furniture Stoppers look in the furniture section of the hardware store
  • Acrylic (plastic) picture frame
  • Knobs or Drawer Pulls