Powdered-Sugar Biscuit Donuts

This fool-proof, unbelievably-easy, tasty donut recipe is a Makeful crew member's family recipe. She realizes it may not actually be a family recipe, but the kid in her won't Google to find out. That's very Phoebe "the recipe is on the back of the Tollhouse bag" Buffay of her, but we're letting her have this one.

  • 1 can refrigerated biscuits
  • 2 cups powdered sugar
  • vegetable oil
  • deep fryer
  • paper lunch bag

Step 1: The only things you need to make these donuts are a can of the plainest refrigerated biscuits you can buy, powdered sugar, a paper lunch bag, and a fryer. That fryer should have oil in it. Hot 375-degree oil. A pot of hot oil on the stovetop will also work, just be careful. A little round cookie cutter is super helpful. I nabbed this old school kitchen tool pictured at a flea market. It was an exciting find.

Step 2: To get started, pour two cups of powdered sugar into a paper lunch bag. Set aside. Then pull apart the biscuits, stamp out the holes and get to fryin’. You want the donuts to be a golden brown all the way around, so you’ll probably have to flip them to get an even fry. You can twist them too to make donut twists. So cute.

Step 3: Once the donuts are evenly golden (about 2-3 mins), scoop them out of the oil, and drop them into the paper bag. After you get a few donuts and holes into the bag, fold over the top (a couple of times), and get to shaking to coat the donuts in the powdered sugar. I recommend you do this over a sink or a trash can. This part is hands down the most exciting step in the process if you’re making these as a child. Or a child at heart.

Step 4: Once you feel like the donuts are properly coated in sugar sweet goodness (you could also use a cinnamon-sugar mixture instead of powdered sugar), plate them and repeat the process with the rest of the biscuit dough. These donuts are best served warm and are a quick and easy morning sugar-loving-crowd pleaser.

The recipe yields eight donuts (and 8 donut holes!) per can.
