Bullet journal insta accounts that inspire us

Alexandra King/Shutterstock

Bullet journaling has become a popular trend across multiple social media platforms, but it has really taken off on Instagram in particular.

By using a journal with bullets, instead of lines, you design your own beautiful custom personal planners that inspires you to reach your goals, ticking off boxes as you go. There are a variety of benefits of journaling, including increased creativity, productivity, and actionable goal setting. To get you started on your #bojo journey, here are our 5 inspiring Instagram accounts to follow.

1. @Viacalligraphy

Calling Toronto home, @viacalligraphy is a lettering account owned by Sylvia Wong where she shares her experiences with calligraphy. Sylvia uses her calligraphy background to design beautiful monthly layouts to share with her followers, highlighting interesting events occurring each month. Whether it’s a calligraphy or bullet journalling workshop, sharing one of her many client projects, or gorgeous photos of brides wearing her #JustMarriedProject jacket, @viacalligraphy is your source of inspiration for exceptional lettering beauty.

2. @st.udy_

When you take a look at @st.udy_’s account, you’ll wonder why you didn’t take studying more seriously when you were in school. The beautiful colours, the intricate layouts, and helpful study tips make this account a swoon-worthy inspiration for any serious student looking to make school more fun.

3. @kobieta_z_pasja

If you want to step into the magical world of Harry Potter, Game of Thrones, or any other fantasy-world, look no further than Joanna Blaszczyk’s Instagram account. The beautifully-drawn and detailed illustrations of pop culture scenery incorporate important lists, calendars, and motivational quotes that will have you scrolling her feed for days.

4. @misfit.plans

Not only does Alex of @misfit.plans draw gorgeous layouts in her bullet journal, she also takes the most beautiful flatlays to showcase them. From her markers, to plants, makeup and more, @misfit.plans is everything we could ask for in #InstagramGoals.

5. @leuchtturm1917

Feature accounts showcase the photos of those who use their hashtag. This account, @leuchtturm1917, showcases a variety of gorgeous bullet journal inspiration, which will lead you to even more gorgeous inspiration for your layouts. Because the photos come from a variety of accounts all over the world, we are treated to a beautiful variety of the best of the best in #bujoinspo.

Do you bullet journal? Show us your best layouts and spreads by tagging us @bemakeful or
using our hashtag #bemakeful.